
Topological Sort - is not actually traditional sorting algorithm - well, it is sorting, but not traditionally like on arrays. Well then, why and where is it used?

Topo Sort OR Top Sort as people would call it, is an algorithm that takes

Basic idea

It’s called Binary Search because, at every step of the algorithm, the search space is divided into two parts conditionally. Then in the next step we decide where to look into left to mid OR mid to right.

Reducing our search space into half at every step defines the runtime Binary Search to be of the order of log N.

So we maintain three pointers - left, mid and right.

  • left keeps track of the start of the left partition.
  • mid keeps track of the end of the left partition and mid + 1 keeps track of the start of the right partition.
  • right keeps track of the end of the right partition.

Depending on the condition, if our intended to_be_searched element lies in the left partition - we update our right to mid. Similarly, if it’s in the right partition - we update our left to the mid + 1.


A = [1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 9, 7]
left, right = 0, len(A)
while left < high:
    mid = left + (right-left) // 2
    if A[mid] == to_be_searched:
        return mid
    elif to_be_searched > A[mid]:
        left = mid + 1
    elif to_be_searched < A[mid]:
        right = mid
    return -1

Note: we return -1 if we didn’t find the element in the search space. But if we wanted the closest element to to_be_searched, our left pointer will be pointing to it. So, in that case return A[left].

Runtime and memory analysis

The runtime here is since at every step we half our search space.

The memory usage is since we don’t use any extra datastructure.

On a sidenote

I highly recommend reading Zhijun Liao’s post on LeetCode. He explains a series of problems on LeetCode that could be solved by understanding how and when to apply Binary Search. He also shows a wonderful template that I highly recommend following.

— A

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