The problem requires us to find the longest consecutive sequence from a given array. But we need to come up with a solution: that means sorting the array is out of question since it takes time.
The approach in the code below, contains a set with all elements from input. Then once we iterate over the input, we check if any number is the starting point of a consecutive sequence by checking if . Since this element is the starting point, we don’t need to worry about the consecutive elements greater than this - there won’t be any.
Once we find this element, maintain a variable to count until we don’t find in the set. Also, ensure to update current by .
Note: Ensure to remove a element that you once visited from the set, as it would cause revisits and the overall complexity will bump to where K is consecutive elements for each element in input array.
Big O Analysis
The runtime complexity here is
The memory usage is since we use a set of input size N.
— A