Leetcode 75 uses this algorithm and shows a practical implementation, check that out too - 75 Sort Colors

The idea of this algorithm is to sort all low outliers and high outliers to either sides. Hence this is not a regular sorting algorithm, just a special case one since we are required to know the low and high beforehand.

Basic idea

So we maintain three pointers - low, mid and high.

  • Everything left of low (inclusive) are supposed to be the low values
  • Everything right of high (inclusive) are supposed to be the high values
  • Everything between low and mid (mid inclusive) are supposed to be the mid values (this means values that we have seen and are neither low nor high)
  • Everything between mid and high (mid exclusive) are supposed to be the unknown values (yet to be classified)

This means that mid always points to the first element of the unknown subset i.e. between mid to high.


A = [1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0]
low = 0
mid = 0
high = N - 1
while mid < high:
    if A[mid] == 0:
        swap(A[mid], A[low])
    elif A[mid] == 2:
        swap(A[mid], A[high])
# [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]

Runtime and memory analysis

The runtime here is since we are doing only one pass over the input array.

The memory usage is since we don’t use any extra datastructure and change array in-place.

On a sidenote

I highly recommend watching CodeSmart’s youtube video where they explain the above algorithm with playing cards - it’s so effective.

— A

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