
One can see that this problem is of the type “include - exclude” OR “knapsack” dynamic programming. The “include - exclude” OR “knapsack” are problems where we need to enumerate all possible possibilities by choosing some elements or not.

So, this boils the problem down to a decision tree. If you think about it, to get to our result i.e. the number of different subsequences can be made from our array whose sum is equal to target - we must check all possible subsequences. Well, this is called a decision tree.

A decision tree, the program execution has an option to do two things for each recursive call - either include the current element and see if it generates the correct output OR exclude the current element and check the same.

For each recursive, if we have two choices - meaning the program will grow the decision tree with two children at a time. This is a runtime of . There are indeed a lot of repeated calculations done, so we can memoise them to bring down the complexity so that each subsequence is atmost calculated once (or constant time looked up multiple times).



def findTargetSumWays(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
    def dfs(i, cur_sum):
        if i == len(nums):
            return 1 if cur_sum == target else 0
        build a decision tree where it branches into a reality where current element is excluded or included
        include = dfs(i+1, cur_sum + nums[i])
        exclude = dfs(i+1, cur_sum - nums[i])
        return include + exclude
    return dfs(0, 0)

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is since we use caching/memoising to store sub-decision trees that are calculated more than once. Without caching, it’s a solution.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since we are using recursion (inherent call stack) + memoising (some dictionary).

— A

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