Tag: sort array, check if interval merge into previous interval

We solve this problem as it states itself. There’s no catch, but the solution is pretty intuitive.

First sort the intervals array with increasing starting times. Then traverse the array one element at a time, and check if the current interval comes in between the previous interval, if so then update our previous interval’s end time (ret[-1][1]) to the current interval’s end time (interval[1]).

Hope the picture below helps visualize the problem better.




class Solution:
    def merge(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
        intervals.sort(key = lambda x: x[0])
        ret = [intervals[0]]
        for interval in intervals[1:]:
            if interval[0] <= ret[-1][1]:
                ret[-1][1] = max(interval[1], ret[-1][1])
        return ret

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is O(N) as since we would be iterating the array once.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is O(1) excluding the result array ret

— A

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