
An ancestor in a graph is a node that can be used to traverse further to some other distinct node. It depends on the problem, whether they mention it if a node can be an ancestor for itself.

So, since graphs are recursive structures, you may find some sub-problem that would solve our purpose.

Such as, the number of ancestors a node u has, is the number of ancestors all of it’s past ancestors have. For this one would require to know the parents of a child node. Luckily, we have a DAG and are given an edge list - we can just store the graph in a reverse order.

But you can imagine, when we calculate an ancestor list anc_list_u for a node u and when u will be used as an ancestor for some other node v. The ancestor list anc_list_v for node v would consist duplicates of all ancestors in anc_list_u and anc_list_v.

So to tackle that, our sub-problem computes ancestors in a set to avoid duplicates. The problem also asks us that every thing is sorted, so we throw in a sorted() there too.



def getAncestors(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
    revAdj = collections.defaultdict(list)
    children = set()
    for u, v in edges:
    store the graph in a reverse order, meaning, every child is pointing to it's parent
    rootNodes = set(revAdj.keys()) - children
    rootNodes are the nodes with in-degree == 0
    def helper(g, n: int, m) -> List[int]:
        recursively compute all the ancestors of a node in a reversed DAG
        returns: list of all ancestors
        if n in m: return m[n]
        if n not in g: return []
        anc = set()
        for parent in g[n]:
            if parent not in rootNodes:
                anc |= set(helper(g, parent, m))
                # or use the in-built set function set.update() -> it also accepts a list
                # anc.update(helper(g, parent, m))
        m[n] = sorted(list(anc))
        return m[n]
    memo = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for val in range(n):
        ancestors = helper(revAdj, val, memo)
        if len(ancestors) == 0:
            memo[val] = ancestors
    return a list with all ancestors
    A - arrive on a node
    B - ancestors = ar.extend(ancestors_of_neighbor1).extend(ancestors_of_neighbor2).extend(so_on)
    base_case: traverse till you find a starting node
    what's a starting node?
    starting_nodes = set(children) - set(revAdj.keys())
    return [anc for node, anc in sorted(memo.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])]

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is where K is the number of ancestors for every node and N is the number of vertices.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since we store an adjacency list that is based on a edge list.

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