The problem comes off as pretty difficult at the start but the idea is very straight-forward, we just generate a lookup table for all difficulties.

We do this because the abilities of the workers can be anything from 0 to max(difficulty) where difficulty is the array given to us containing all the difficulty to profit mappings.

Since it’s told in the description that if any ability of a worker does not have a corresponding difficulty in the input, then to consider the smallest closest difficulty.

For eg.


Then a worker with ability of 3 will bring a profit of 20, and a worker with ability of 4 will also bring a profit of 20.

A worker with ability of 2 will bring 0 profit.



def maxProfitAssignment(self, difficulty: List[int], profit: List[int], worker: List[int]) -> int:
    maxDiff = max(difficulty)
    profitLookup = [0] * (maxDiff + 1)
    for i in range(len(difficulty)):
        profitLookup[difficulty[i]] = max(profitLookup[difficulty[i]], profit[i])
    for i in range(1, maxDiff + 1):
        profitLookup[i] = max(profitLookup[i], profitLookup[i-1])
    maxProfit = 0
    for ability in worker:
        maxProfit += profitLookup[min(maxDiff, ability)]
    return maxProfit

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is where maxDiff = max(difficulty)

  • Memory The memory usage is since we use the profitLookup array to store cumulative profits for all difficulties up until maxDiff.

— A

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