
We are required to return the vertices that are starting points to other nodes such that all nodes could be visited.

This means, we are needed to compute nodes who do not have any incoming edges, rather only outgoing edges.

Technically speaking, the number of outgoing edges from a vertex is called out-degree and the number of incoming edges to a vertex is called in-degree.

We are interested in the in-degree of vertices. The in-degree of root vertices in a graph is always 0.

When we build an adjacency list, length of the neighbors list for any node - is basically the in-degree of that node. But for this problem, I do not build an adjacency list - rather we just store the children nodes and all nodes. Any node that is not a child node, but is also present in the allnodes set, is a starting node.

Follow-up: try solving the problem using an adjacency list and not sets.



def findSmallestSetOfVertices(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
    children = set()
    allnodes = set()
    for u, v in edges:
    return list(allnodes - children)

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is since we would be visiting all vertices in the graph.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since we use set to store child vertices and all vertices.

— A

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