
Problem wants us to solve without using any library sorting functions such as arr.sort() in Python or Arrays.sort(arr) in Java.

So let’s implement a Merge Sort - since it fits the description of a n * log (n) algorithm. Remember, bubble sort, insertion sort take quadratic time, we need something faster.

Please refer my breaking down and analysis of how Merge Sort works.



def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    def merge(A, B):
        R = [0 for _ in range(len(A) + len(B))]
        x, y, z = 0, 0, 0
        while x < len(A) and y < len(B):
            if A[x] <= B[y]:
                R[z] = A[x]
                x += 1
                R[z] = B[y]
                y += 1
            z += 1
        while x < len(A):
            R[z] = A[x]
            x += 1; z += 1
        while y < len(B):
            R[z] = B[y]
            y += 1; z += 1
        return R[:]
    def mergeSort(ar):
        if len(ar) <= 1: return ar
        mid = len(ar)//2
        left = mergeSort(ar[0:mid])
        right = mergeSort(ar[mid:len(ar)])
        return merge(left, right)
    return mergeSort(nums)

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is since we are using Merge Sort.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since we are using Merge Sort :)

— A

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