2849. Determine if a Cell Is Reachable at a Given Time

Here, no need to do actual simulations - as t and points s, f can be as great as 10^9.

(dx,dy) is the absolute distance of points s and f.

You just basically check if dx and dy are both less than or equal to t - this represents that the path took the shortest possible path.

There’s an edge case though - so in case s == f, and t > 0, return False.



class Solution:
    def isReachableAtTime(self, sx: int, sy: int, fx: int, fy: int, t: int) -> bool:
        dx,dy = abs(sx-fx),abs(sy-fy)
        dx+dy == 0 means point is (0,0)
        if t == 1, obviously (0,0) can't reach (0,1) or (1,0)
        if dx+dy==0:
            return t != 1        
        # if distances are smaller than t -> definitely (fx,fy) can be travelled to by (sx,sy) 
        # in t steps
        return dx<=t and dy<=t

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    There are no loops, simulations, just math - so it’s O(1).

  • Memory

    No linear or non-linear data structures used - so memory is O(1).

— A

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