This problem is the sequel problem to 322 Coin Change and there’s little difference between the two problems’ requirements. The first one needed us to minimize the number of coins we could use to make up amount.

In here, we need to compute the number of different ways amount can be made from the given coins.



def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
    def dfs(balance: int, start: int, memo: Dict[int, int]):
        if (start, balance) in memo: return memo[(start, balance)]
        if balance == 0: return 1
        if balance < 0 or start == len(coins): return 0
        include = dfs(balance - coins[start], start, memo)
        exclude = dfs(balance, start + 1, memo)
        memo[(start, balance)] = include + exclude
        return memo[(start, balance)]
    return dfs(amount, 0, defaultdict(int))

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is since we are memoising, needing to visit all elements only once.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since we use the collections.defaultdict object to store the memoised values.

— A

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