
We are given an array with descriptions of nodes (parent and child relation). We have to construct a binary tree based on this information.

One way to solve it, is take a node and check if there exists it’s parent/child in the list. But this would be too inefficient, worst case would be .

So instead we use a map to represent the tree. Finally, to find the root of the tree, we also maintain a set with only the children. i

Then we subtract all the keys in the map (tree representation) and this children set, to find the root of the tree.



def createBinaryTree(self, descriptions: List[List[int]]) -> Op tional[TreeNode]:
    m = defaultdict()
    children = set()
    for p, c, l in descriptions:
        parent = m.setdefault(p, TreeNode(p))  # setdefault is the equivalent of getOrDefault() in Java
        child = m.setdefault(c, TreeNode(c))
        if l:
            parent.left = child
            parent.right = child
    root = (set(m) - set(children)).pop()
    return m[root]

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is where N == len(descriptions)

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since we use a hashmap (python dict) to store parent and children nodes.

— A

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