
We need to the structure of the given binary tree such that all of it’s nodes have no left property, and the tree is built only on right nodes.

Here’s how I thought about it: a tree with only right nodes is a linked list. Think of node.right of a tree as the same as of a linked list.

So we extract the nodes from the tree using in-order traversal and store them in a list.

Then we build a linked list recursively treating the node.right pointer as a



def increasingBST(self, root: TreeNode) -> TreeNode:
    tree_list= []
    def extract_elements(node: TreeNode, li: List[TreeNode]):
        if not node:
            return None
        extract_elements(node.left, li)
        li.append(node)   # in-order
        extract_elements(node.right, li)
    extract_elements(root, tree_list)
    def build(node: TreeNode, i: int):
        if i >= len(tree_list): return None
        if not node:
            node = TreeNode()
        node.left = None
        node.right = TreeNode(tree_list[i].val)
        build(node.right, i+1)
        return node
    return build(None, 0).right

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is since extracting the tree is a linear process and so is building the linked list.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since we storing all nodes in a list.

— A

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