
We are given a directed graph and want to count how many edges are not pointing toward the center (in our case the node 0).

Since this is a graph and graphs are recursive structures - think of solving a smaller sub-problem that will lead to the answer.

Such as the is the child of Node(0) is pointing toward it or not. How can we check this? Well - maintain another graph with reverse edges and check if the child node is a indegree connection for Node(0).

If they are then count them (rememeber we are referencing the reversed graph to know if a child node points away from the parent node). This is the subproblem I was talking about.

The underline is that: all child nodes must be pointing toward their parent nodes (considering we are starting our DFS from 0).



def minReorder(self, n: int, connections: List[List[int]]) -> int:
    self.result = 0
    indegrees = [[] for _ in range(n)]
    graph = defaultdict(list)   # un-directed graph
    for u, v in connections:
    visited = [False] * n
    def dfs(node, parent):
        nonlocal visited
        if visited[node]: return 
        if not node in indegrees[parent]:
            self.result += 1
        for neighbor in graph[node]:
            visited[node] = True
            dfs(neighbor, node)
            visited[node] = False
    dfs(0, 0)
    return self.result - 1

Big O Analysis

  • Runtime

    The runtime complexity here is where V = number of vertices and E = number of edges.

  • Memory

    The memory usage is since are storing the graph in an adjacency list and also that the DFS takes V + E memory.

— A

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